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Bishop Dr. Andre' A.R. Willis, (aka) The Biking Bishop, is a 71 years "young man" gifted with a passion to help those who really need help.  Many talks about doing, but he has shown his capacity to be about a desire to cause change!   He has a vision towards worldwide aid and change which started in 1994 when he embarked upon his first Bike Campaign Tour. 

On behalf of ALL of humanity and the many social issues we face as a country namely, hunger, homelessness, illiteracy, physical disabilities, autism, down syndrome, sickle cell, cancer, and more. He has focused his attention on a group that is oftentimes than not overlooked; the disenfranchised.  He is the Founder, CEO, and President of The City of Life Foundation. This organization in the coming year will soon erect its own State-of-the-Art Multiplex Center for Life Change and Restoration!

He's a Viet Nam veteran on a Mission ...not only to help all of humanity, but to especially help veterans, senior citizens and children with disabilities. "As a veteran myself, we appreciate the warm "Thank Yous" we receive for our service to our country." Sadly, to say that gratitude doesn't shelter a human soul that gave the ultimate sacrifice of body, mind and soul after he or she has returned from a hostile, dangerous and stressful condition." says the Bishop.  It's called (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PHYSICAL DISABILITY that affects thousands of veterans around the world. 

As mentioned, he's a Senior on a Mission not only to help all of humanity, but especially to help our Children, the Disenfranchised, the Indigent, the Impaired, the Less fortunate, the Autistic, the Down Syndrome, the Cancer victims, the hungered, the homeless, those needing Mental Health and most importantly; The Least of These....You!  Yes you, who suffer along with others that are the recipients of mental and physical health conditions, says the Bishop.

When he's not delivering food and clothes, furniture, and toys to those in need; he is The Biking Bishop.  And when he's not cycling for humanity, he's a loving devoted man to his family, a friend to the helpless that brings hope to the hopeless.  He's one that doesn't mind getting dirty, rolling up his sleeves to get the job done.  After all, he's Been There, Done Dat and Got the T-Shirt!

His Biography.

Born and raised in the once-known steel belt city of Buffalo, New York.  Bishop epitomized personal achievement and civil accomplishments by completing his theological and business administration studies at Oakwood in Huntsville, Alabama and Southwestern Union College in Killeen, Texas. He has maintained a home in the Atlanta area since 1989.   When he is not addressing countless audiences from schools to churches and theaters, he is sharing and inspiring people from all walks of life. Having enjoyed all the benefits of a moderate lifestyle living and sharing the limelight managing the legendary Rock-n-Roll star,” Little Richard”, Bishop's life took the ultimate turn from glamorous to homelessness in Wilson, North Carolina.  There was never a time that he expected to live from place to place or even in a cardboard box or a rat-infested shack called “HOME.”  Clearly, he had not envisioned his life spiraling into such a dark era.  Not only is Bishop a pastor; but also, a father, a granddad, building contractor, an author, a musician, an artist, preacher and motivational speaker. 

Bishop Dr. Andre’ A. R. Willis is affectionately known by his family, congregation and community a Bishop Dr. Dre’.  He has authored five books, his first being an autobiography entitled “Been There, Done Dat…Got the T-Shirt”.  This book will fill you with both tears & laughter as you follow along his journey.   He is also the creator of the stage play based on his book.  It too is electrifying and heartfelt; offering a true roadmap to how one can succeed and what tools are needed to overcome challenges and obstacles we face within our everyday life. 

Bishop founded and is the Bishop and Senior Pastor at New Start Ministries, based in Avondale Estates, Georgia outside of Atlanta, Georgia.  He continues to serve his community as he did for the country.  He is steadfast in his belief that more Veterans especially Seniors deserve the support of the country and community.  As the CEO and Founder of The City of Life Foundation, he saw the call to action in his vision and the awareness of many social needs affecting every human being.  On April 6, 2024, Bishop received his Honorary Doctorate Degree in Humanities from Mainseed Christian University, Atlanta, Geogia in Humanities and was the noted guest keynote speaker of his 2024 commencement class.

Bishop is also known to many as the “The Biking Bishop”.  He has ridden his 10/12 speed bike for over 7,000 miles cumulatively, twice to the White House and in 2006 and on October 7, 2009 (his 57th birthday) was on the Oprah Winfrey Studio in Chicago having completed then 2500 miles. The last two bike campaigns were on behalf of humanity and the many social issues we face as a country. Now, that he falls into this group of elite seniors his desire is to bring not only awareness, but education, financial assistance, support and more aiding to their continual life span right on through one’s golden years.  

He's host of the following shows, Your Voice Matters, The Biking Bishop 2Day Show, and Today with Bishop Dr. Dre'.
Bishop has directed his passion to making a difference in the lives of others.  He has demonstrated how it is done not just three times, but now for a fourth time by adding an additional 4,800 miles, “For the Least of These” Humanitarian Campaign 2024-25, 600 CITIES, 5 COUNTRIES, 7 CONTINENTS AND BILLIONS OF PEOPLE WATCHING.

Our first goal is to erect the Vision of the Foundation out of the ground in Georgia that will be truly welcomed to all,

The ArC; a Redevelopment, Research, Educational, Media & Family Entertainment Center
                            Let’s make the lives of individuals and families better.


The first of these complexes is The ArC. Learn more click here

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